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In development involving numerous stakeholders, it is essential to proceed with development while maintaining a complete picture of requirements definition, design, implementation, verification, and delivery. It is essential to ensure the quality of all deliverables related to the development target while ensuring consistency in all processes.

The comprehensive workflow provided by EAUNIT, designed as an add-in for Enterprise Architect, logically connects design and implementation, which tend to be fragmented, with test items and test results. This is a new proposal from Liberal Logic Inc. that realizes an environment for multidimensional analysis of design objects from all aspects, including requirement definition, design, implementation, verification, and delivery.


Practical Software Development Flow

The realization of a practical software development flow is simple and straightforward. In this video you will see the sequence of realization of the development flow.

EAUNIT takes into account the challenges of conventional development where implementation information is not easily fed back into design information. By using Enterprise Architect to promote development, you can achieve an organizational culture that enables efficient development.

Concrete operation examples of comprehensive workflow

Once you have confirmed the practical software development flow, let’s get an idea of the concrete operations. With three simple steps, including testing, you can easily integrate verification results into your design model.

Very little preparation is required to achieve a comprehensive workflow. Applicable to developments of all sizes, from small to large.


Vertical integration of requirements definition, design, implementation, and validation, workflow awareness is essential for development teams to work together to create high value-added systems. Workflow with EAUNIT is simple and clear.

System Block Diagram

It can be deployed in all sizes of development, from small development organizations to large cross-organizational development organizations.

Problem Solving

Traditional Issues

Although there are various factors that cause discrepancies between design, implementation, and verification, the following issues are generally identified.

  • Difficulty in checking the quality of design and implementation in large scale development.
  • The relationship between the model on the tool and the software that actually works is weak.
  • The design model is ideal, but there is no way to verify consistency with the implementation.
  • Design information is not updated even though the design and implementation are completely different.
  • Unable to ascertain the comprehensiveness of verification for the entire system.
  • The end is not in sight due to the repetition of ad-hoc verification.
  • There are systems that work, but the design details are unknown.

These are caused by the gradual loss of access to design information during the process of design, implementation, and verification. In particular, if there is no feedback from verification to design in the implementation and verification process, where complex issues tend to arise, a gap between design and implementation is likely to occur.



Ensuring consistency between design, implementation, and verification is one of the most important aspects of continuous software delivery. With traditional methods, there is little direct relationship between design and implementation, and as a result, it is often unnoticed when deviations occur.

In recent years, test-driven development has become widespread in the software development field, and consistency between implementation and verification is now ensured. EAUNIT provides a means to reflect the verification results in the design, thus constituting a feedback loop that can ensure consistency between design, implementation, and verification.


EAUNIT operates as a plug-in for Enterprise Architect, a model-based design tool that can organize the logic of design objects in a variety of representations. The verification results output from the verification process are fed back to the design tool, and the integrated information is used to observe the system, enabling multifaceted decisions.


Extract Test Items

EAUNIT is equipped with a parsing engine that automatically extracts test items corresponding to classes from source and test code. When it finds a class used in a test, it automatically adds a test name to the test item for the target class. This is useful for checking the granularity of tests for each class, determining the validity of the number of tests, and for other first-stage checks.

Reflection of test results

In the past, it has been extremely difficult to reflect the results of the vast number of unit tests performed in the design model. Even if there are dozens or hundreds of classes in a system or subsystem, test results can be reflected in a batch with just a few clicks. By reflecting the results of a vast number of unit tests in the design model, test comprehensiveness is clearly visible.

Coloring according to test success rate

When designing large subsystems, a useful feature is the ability to color according to test success rate. You can build an environment where the status of the system's internal implementation is clearly visible at a glance: green for high test success rates, red for low test success rates, and so on.

Display test success rate in progress bar

For development teams practicing Test Driven Development, etc., we also recommend the ability to display test success rates in a progress bar. How about a workflow that uses EAUNIT together to get the big picture while quickly running the red and green iterations that are essential for test-driven development?

High visibility with integrated display

By taking advantage of EAUNIT's extensive configuration capabilities, we have achieved improved visibility through an integrated view. In a large scale design with many classes, visibility is essential to grasp the situation at a glance. We combine various approaches to display content, color, and shape to provide a display that meets the needs of the site.

Writing test results

The results of repeated tests are sometimes important time-series information. EAUNIT's test result recording function allows you to select from three types of actions: overwrite, append to bottom, or append to top. Please select the recording method that best suits your purpose. The date and time of unit test execution and the failure location and cause of test failure can also be reflected, so they can be reused as a record document.

Enhanced configuration functions

EAUNIT's extensive settings capabilities were created to fit the workflows of a variety of development organizations. In particular, the selectable display formats provide flexibility for situations where different output formats are required for different usage scenarios, even for a single project.

Utilizing the Charting Function

Using the chart functionality provided in Enterprise Architect, you can further extend the visualization of test results. This provides development teams with a level of flexibility that has been difficult to achieve with third-party tools.

Complete documentation with Word output functionality

With the Word export feature provided in Enterprise Architect, test results can also be exported to Word. Some organizations may have to report test results in document format. In such cases, the ability to output a Word file as a secondary deliverable can significantly reduce man-hours.

Modeling Tool

EAUNIT is provided as an add-in that fully utilizes the excellent extensibility of Enterprise Architect.

Enterprise Architect

About Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect is a modeling tool that supports various notations such as UML 2.5, SysML 1.5, and BPMN 2.0. It has a number of support functions for efficient modeling, including functions to support understanding the influence relationship of design contents (traceability), document generation, simulation, and add-in creation. Combining these functions provides comprehensive support for the entire development flow.

Compared to similar software, Enterprise Architect has the following advantages.

  • True modeling tool with integrated database
  • Provides an integrated environment that captures logical elements from multiple perspectives
  • Can be used in a comprehensive workflow, from requirements definition, design, implementation, and validation
  • Many useful features that can be utilized not only in design but also in implementation
  • Scalable from small to large designs
  • Highly scalable platform
  • Excellent cost/performance ratio
  • The more you know about it, the deeper it gets = Wide range of possible effective use cases

Enterprise Architect is developed and marketed in Japan by Sparx Systems Japan KK. The domestic version, with many unique enhancements to suit the Japanese market, is one of those tools that once you understand its appeal, you won’t want to let it go.

Sparx Systems Japan K.K. provides users with a number of useful proprietary add-ins, including an extended matrix add-in, a traceability map add-in, and an add-in for automatic generation of class diagrams. These extensions make Enterprise Architect available to the Japanese market in a very useful way compared to the product versions in other countries.

Enterprise Architect Website


EAUNIT is available to everyone free of charge. Please fill out the form below and click the submit button. Download information will be sent to your e-mail.

(Currently, only Enterprise Architect sold in Japan is supported.)

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Liberal Logic Inc.

EAUNIT was planned and developed by Liberal Logic Corporation, a company that focuses on the development of professional video and audio equipment.

In the multi-stage development activities spanning hardware, firmware, and software, it is essential to maintain consistency in design, implementation, and verification. Implementation realized in a manner that corresponds to the design, combined with an automated verification system, contributes to the continuous and efficient shipment of the system.

Liberal Logic has been providing concrete proposals to reduce the burden on developers through years of research and development. EAUNIT is the result of our analysis of the issues faced by developers based on our many years of development experience, and we have come to propose this new approach.

Liberal Logic Inc. website


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